Ellette Curson
Ellette Curson's Details
Ellette Curson's Likes
pleasant communication, compliments, kindness
My Fantasies
petting, spanking, tenderness
My Obsessions & Desires
touching, kissing, flirting
Additional Info
Hello, I am calling Linda and I am trying to create a template for the Internet. My main passion being medicine, I sometimes have a hard time finding a balance between serious people and creative expression. I learn and evolve in the Health Field because it is for me to help people and understand how the human body works. For me, medicine is not a separate science, it is also my best world, and I simply participate in this process.
Besides work and studies, I love dancing. It is my form of relaxation and helps me to de-stress and release energy. Dancing allows me to be free, to mestre vivant and to express emotions that cannot always be expressed in words. It is a true art and I instantly appreciate it on the dance floor.
My dream is to travel around the world. I want to see as many different cultures as possible, meet people and experience all the moments that traveling can offer. It is not only the desire to perfect new skills, it is mainly a reason to find inspiration for my life and work.
I believe that everything I do is part of my journey. With every step, I grow, discover new horizons and learn to be the best version of myself.
Special Info
here are my rules:
1. communicate in еnglish
2. be polite to me and to each other
3. no spam
4. I'm always in panties
My Fetishes
My Sex Toys
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